Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How I Met My Husband

The last line of the story reads, "He always tells the children the story of how I went after him by sitting by the mailbox everyday, and naturally I laugh and let him, because I like for people to think what pleases them makes them happy." The readers and Edie know that this is not the truth. The reason Edie waits at the mailbox is because she is waiting to recieve Chris's letter to her. The ending is a surprise to the readers. We, as readers, know little about Carmichael. We know he is the mailman and grows a love for Edie. However, we know Chris Watters because he is in the whole story. I believe they differ because Watters seems like a nobody. He is always traveling never being true. Carmichael seems to be a well respected man and loving. The surprise ending realistic. Edie marrying Chris would just not be right. Overall, I loved this story.

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