Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Othello #2

In Acts IV and V the factor of the play being a tragedy comes into play. Before these acts, no one had died and everyone seemed to be getting along alright with Iago's plan. In the beginning of Act IV.I, Othello starts his plans for killing Cassio and Desdemona. He has so much hatred for them and he can no longer have them in his sight. In Act V, Rodrigo tries to stab Cassio however, Iago is the one who actually stabs him. (V.I.26-27) Also during this time, Cassio makes a stab at Rodrigo. Rodrigo dies and Cassio lives. Further on throughout the act, Othello derives his plan to strangle her. Othello fulfills his plan and Desdemona dies. However, after learning the truth, Othello kills himself. (V.II.355-358) Iago stabs Emilia and she dies as well. So, all in all, Iago is being tortured, Othello died, Rodrigo died, Desdemona died, Emilia died, and Cassio is the new Ruler. This portrays a tragedy because the hero died as well as his fellow companions.

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