Thursday, September 16, 2010

# 11 Dreams Deferred

This poem is made up of five similes and one metaphor. They deal with the ways dreams can be interpreted and how they look in our eyes. The make up of this poem is set out in a way that all the similes are together and the metaphor is the second to last line of the poem. "Maybe it just sags like a heavy load." By putting this statement at the end of the poem, it shows a sense of fluidity and allows the poem to progress. Also, the similes are offered as questions, whereas the metaphor is a blunt statement. Dreams have a million of different meanings and happenings. This poem was written during the Harlem Renaissance by Hughes. It speaks of how is dream was to be equal. The make up of similes and metaphors allows the reader to see the necessity of what it means to go for one's dreams.

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