Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Othello #5

There are three main themes that come about in Othello. They are: jealousy, prejudice, and differences in reality. A combination of these themes is what makes the play's impact so substantial. Without one of these, the audience would not get the same understanding of the work. I think that the power of ideas increase the pleasure of the play. Each person should be allowed to take the play for how they see it with their own ideas. That way, they can get a more unique enjoyment out of it. The theme of jealousy is highly attacked on in this play. The main character who is jealous is Iago. He is jealous of Othello, Cassio, and Othello's wife. He tries to come up with all these ways to make people suffer in order for him to gain power. Also, Othello is called black numerous times. He is talked badly about because he is from a different country. All the themes have an important part in the play.

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