Wednesday, July 7, 2010

#14 Flashback

A flashback is a scene that interrupts the normal chronological sequence of events in a story to depict something that happened at an earlier time. Throughout the novel, numerous flashbacks fill the pages. Without adding these important flashbacks, the book would have given off a different message. Flashbacks are little stories and memories that help relate to the reader why something is the way it is or how they came to be. In the chapter Enemies, we learn of Jensen and Strunk's fight. The author added this in to show how people act toward eachother. Also, in the chapter Friends, the author proceedsto tell us how they worked through their differences and became cordial with eachother. Without having the prior flashback, the readers would be confused as to why they werent best friends. Anothe time in the book where we experience a flashback is when he tells us of how he came to be a part of the war. He states, "i saw a seven-year-old boy... I saw a twelve-year-old boy...I saw a sixteen-year-old boy...". These were events that flashed before him and to the reader we understand where he came from.

1 comment:

  1. "The author added this in to show how people act toward eachother."

    And how do people act toward each other?
