Wednesday, July 7, 2010

#15 Heroes

In society today, we think of heroes as people who save others lives and do something amazing for someone else. This may be true, but there are more heroes in the world than we give credit to. On page 45, it reads, "The man who opened the door that day is the hero of my life." O'Brien was saying this about Elroy Berdahl. He was a quiet old man who owned the place where Tim stayed for awhile. During this time, he was running away from going to war. The old man some how knew what was taking place. He was a hero to Tim by means of letting him figure out for himself what the best action was to take on the war subject. He never came out and told Tim what he thought was best but rather gave him insight. That man changed Tim's life forever and that is why he calls him a hero. We all have heroes in our lives even if we overlook them. The simplest things someone does that has a huge impact on life is considered a hero in my eyes.

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