Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Eveline is a charcter that is trapped in either staying in Dublin with her father, or turn to the married life and leave with Frank. Throughout the whole story she is in this dilemma. She has the desire to leave because her father is often abusive and she does not want to end up like her mother. However, she begins to think of her old life when they were happy and she gets the feeling to stay. But then, she thinks of Frank and all the promises he has made her. The audience believes she will go with him except for the last couple paragraphs. Eveline becomes frightened as to what she should do and remains emotionless and motionless when Frank boards the ship. This shows her type of charcter and relates to the theme. She can not make up her mind. The author said she was "like a helpless animal." This implies she could do nothing and was just in awe of not knowing what to do.

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