Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Miss Brill

As an audience, we feel sympathy for Miss Brill. She is an old and lonely woman who only wants to feel some love in return. Every Sunday she goes and sits on the same bench in the park. On this particular day, she wears her fur. This is something that is close to her and makes her feel protected. However, teenagers see who and make fun of her fur. The only thing Miss Brill wants is company. She has to find it in where she goes, and what she wears. For the teenagers to make fun of her and her fur, makes her feel less of herself and feels even more lonely. At the end when we read how there is crying coming from the fur, we can infer that that is Miss Brill herself and her tears of how she wants company. Putting the fur away symbolizes how abandoned and lonely Miss Brill's life is and will be.

1 comment:

  1. I always end this story thinking "will she go to the park next Sunday?"
