Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hunters in the Snow

Tub seems to be the character who causes many problems. Kenny and Frank are always "bad mouthing" him and pointing out everything he does wrong. It takes Tub awhile before he just completely unleashes. Kenny is the arrogant character. At the end when they have not killed anything he shoots his gun really with no purpose. Tub in turn shoots Kenny and there is a twist. Now, Tub seems to have to the power of the group. All the characters sort of freak out before they gather themselves and figure out what to do. By having Tub take the shot at Kenny shows meaningful characterization. The whole story we see Tub sitting back and taking everything in, yet in the end he becomes the aggressive character and adds a twist to the story. Frank is the character who seems to be the observer and takes the side of whoever has the most "power".

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