Friday, August 13, 2010


Throughout the novel, religious references are made directly and indirectly. First off, Cohn is Jewish and Jake is Catholic. We come to find how Cohn has been treated since he is a Jew. Later on, on page 93, a man was talking to Jake and Bill about Catholics. " It's a pity you boys ain't Catholics. You could get a meal, then, all right." Then a boy asks, "when do us Protestants get a chance to eat, father?" Lastly, Bill states, "It's enough to make a man join the Klan." The Klan Bill is alluding to is the Ku Klux Klan. Catholics were strongly hated by the Klan. The religious tension seems like a timeless notion. No matter where someone is in the world, or what year, people will never agree and accept religions without conflict.

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